Weeks 18+19: Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting Different Results

Still walking with pain — more than before even, and still have a very very slight limp — less than before. Mostly. Ugh.

Talked to a climber-personal trainer friend (via text since we are on opposite sides of the globe) to ask why my pain/limp hasn’t gone away yet. He thought that four months was maybe a bit aggressive to be totally back to normal, but also was like, “unfortunately, sporadic pain is probably to be expected at this point.”

However, I’m not really having “sporadic” pain — more like all the time. 😦

I told him that I was doing my exercises almost every day, to which he replied, “are you doing the same exercises over and over?” Me: “yes, though I’m adding weight.” Him: “you need to switch things up!” He also recommended that I try to do what he called “dynamic” exercises. That is, exercises that operate in all three dimensions. Also, exercises that do strength and balance at the same time.

So I’m trying to do that, though it’s kind of hard to make up a lot of things. I have started doing a lot more lunches — holding a 10kg plate in front of me and twisting to the side as I do down on into the lunch. I do the same, though with a 5kg weight, on a bosu ball which is HARD. I’m also making up sequences involving lunges that involve moving weight across my body as I stand on one leg. And finally, I’ve returned to assisted pistol squats on my bad leg. (And non-assisted on the good side.)

In any case, I can feel that I’m getting WAY stronger from this, particularly in my quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

But the pain remains, and I think that one issue was that I thought that trying some jumping would help with strength, and all that it really did was damage muscles. Kind of mad at myself about this, but what can I do. I hate thought that as of late, I’ve been leaving the gym with more pain than I had going in.

I’m going away for four days, and will be able to do only minimal exercises while away. But will be walking a ton. I’m hoping that this actually helps with the pain — by not doing such strenuous exercises.

As for my days without any pain two weeks ago, in all seriousness, the lack of pain was directly proportional to my fever, which is just bizarre. But as my fever started to go down, the pain started to come back. I have no other explanation. Just weird.

Okay, that is it for this week. Lesson learned: no jumping — and if I start to feel better, don’t do things that are going to put too much more stress on the thing. Painful to feel like I’m hindering my own progress.

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